
Orders from outside Germany (only Europe)
Order Form

Please complete the following order form!
Product Selection:
Quantity Description/Title
Euro 10,00 / CD
- Der Grashüpfer Blues
Euro 5,00 / CD
- We are one world
Euro 10,00 / CD
  - Indian Summer
Euro 10,00 / CD
- No second chance
Euro 10,00 / CD
- Born to live
Euro 10,00 / CD
- Immer weiter
Euro 10,00 / CD
- Jahre vergehen
Euro 10,00 / CD
postage/packing: EURO 8,75
Please enter total amount here: EURO
Method of payment: Payment in advance

I pay the amount of my order into the following account (plus € 8,75 for postage & packing).
Account in name of Melanie Dietzsch
Bank: Deutsche Bank Pinneberg
Account No: 695229500 Sort code: 200 700 24

International Bankcode: BIC DEUTDEDBHAM
International Bankcode: IBAN: DE89 2007 0024 0695 2295 00

The bank fees are to be paid by the customer.
I pay cash (no cheques)/ plus € 8,75 for postage & packing
Delivery Information:
First name: *
Surname: *
Address: *
City: *
Postcode: *
Country: *
E-Mail *
  * compulsory spaces
© 2003 - 2025 Hans-Werner & Melanie Dietzsch